Is WA Safety Reform Finally Here? It’s long been talked about since the national Workplace Health and Safety Act was introduced to other states of Australia, and since July last year, work has been taking place here in Western Australia by a Ministerial Advisory Panel...

The Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission in a late announcement has advised  an increase to state award rates which took effect on the 1st July. Business owners who are operating in the state industrial relations system are advised to check the latest...

What is ACCESSORIAL LIABILITY and how or when can it impact employers? Understanding and managing your supply chain helps identify and then to protect your business from the potential impact of accessorial liability. For example, businesses can be held legally...

Where an employee claims a breach of any of the following employer obligations:- the National Employment Standards a modern award an enterprise agreement a workplace determination a national minimum wage order an equal remuneration wage order method and frequency of...

The Fairwork Commission has announced its decision on the annual federal 2017/2018 wage review. Federal system employees on the minimum wage will receive a 3.5% ($24.30 per week) wage increase. This means the minimum federal adult wage, as of the 1st July 2018 will...