Latest Industry News
Long Service Leave
We regularly receive queries with regard to Long Service Leave entitlements and the capacity for employees to cash this entitlement out on application to their employer. In the case of Long Service Leave, some State Awards simply refer to the relevant State...
EQUAL REMUNERATION ORDER A reminder that the Modern Award is subject to additional increases due and payable around December in line with the ERO decision - members should be looking to review their rates to ensure that they are not paying less than the revised...
Captains Log Date 0920 181013 Having successfully entered our Home World system the crew will be conveying cargo and other materials to the landing bay ready to beam down on the 24th and 25th. Given the unreliable nature of our allies the TELSTRANS and WESTNETTANS our...
The JDF – A critical management tool
It’s surprising how many businesses don’t bother with (or have never heard of!) a JDF (Job Description Form) and yet they are critical tools for managing staff and should form the foundation component of any Performance Appraisal process. Alternatively we encounter...
Captain Green of the Star ship ‘Workwise’ has finally plotted return coordinates to their home world located in the ’16 Wexford Lane’ nebula. Science Officer Rob, Lieutenant Karina and Chief Engineer Kathy are greatly relieved that their long exile is finally over and...