Latest Industry News
Developments in Bullying and Harassment – Getting it right
The following information has been taken from two articles posted by HR Daily and RCSA they provide clear warnings to employers about getting your performance management processes and bullying and harassment policies and procedures well in hand. Data from the first...
The Fair Work Commission clarifies Support Person VS Advocate
This excellent article from 'HR Investigator' summarises a recent key decision by the FW Commission which should be of interest to all members. In a win for employers, the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission has overturned a recent unfair dismissal decision and in...
It would be no surprise to many readers that the requirement to have a current Police Clearance is currently ‘in vogue’ with many employers regardless of industry or the ‘job’ required to be done. There appears to be a prevailing attitude that this documentation...
Court rules on age discrimination case
Here is a very interesting media release article from the Fairwork Ombudsman, which is appended below, in relation to discrimination on the basis of age. Employers need to be very mindful of issues in relation to the termination of employment or turning down an...
Pre Employment Medical Questionnaires
Recently we have been asked to review a range of pre employment medical questionnaires that employers are proposing to use with potential employees. Whilst the underlying reason for seeking information on the health status of an applicant may be valid these questions...