This E Bulletin is to let all members know that Workwise Advisory Services is celebrating a landmark year in 2015!!!

Since setting up the business in March 2000 Workwise has developed a member base across the State from the Kimberley to the Great Southern and across all major industries and services in both the private and not for profit sectors.

We are proud of the long term relationships we have established with our members over 15 years in business, which has resulted in a steady flow of referrals to employers seeking to upskill their management practices and knowledge of IR and HR legislation.

In 2014 Director Bridget GrPicture1een successfully concluded over 30 unfair dismissal representations in both the State and Federal Commissions on behalf of our members, maintaining a highly successful track record in minimising exposure to further litigation and reducing costs for employers caught up in these proceedings.

The team at Workwise would like to sincerely THANK all members for their interest in and continuation of support for our services. Ultimately the success of our business is totally dependent on ongoing demand from you. In the increasingly difficult and technical area of risk management and legislative compliance we place a high value on personalised relationships, knowing you and understanding the specific needs of your workplace.

We are planning a series of marketing campaigns this year and it may well be that you – our valued member – may be approached to be a part of this in time to come.

We look forward to maintaining our personalised services in 2015 and by utilising your membership to call or email us with any queries or concerns you may have you will be helping us to celebrate in 2015.