It is a standard response from many employers that they pay ‘well above the Award’. Regrettably many employers have only a passing knowledge of the Award minimum rates of pay let alone the numerous allowances and various conditions that apply in the payment of shift...
In recent weeks we have had a number of queries relating to the increasing prevalence in the workplace of the practice of providing unpaid work trials to people or requiring that people work on an unpaid basis in order to ‘check them out’ over a particular period....
This is a perennial issue for employers and managers – here are some guidance notes and tips to assist you in managing this process appropriately.Policy and Procedure – this is your first port of call to ensure that you are following the process as prescribed. If you...
Currently Workwise has been running a series of training workshops in Manjimup with the next one to be run by Karina regarding recruitment and how it relates to ‘The Sound of Music’ (Editor’s note, see below for reference).As we are talking all things recruitment we...
Several of our members can attest to the fact that bullying and harassment claims are on the increase. Whilst there is no doubt that there are significant claims regarding these matters which are genuine and reflect the worst practices with regard to some employers...
Former Chief Commissioner of the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission What are the challenges facing regional businesses in a constantly-changing landscape? What must employers know about long service leave and other entitlements under Contract of...