According to a recent statement from the Fair Work Ombudsman’s office more than $100,000 for 193 workers has been recovered following a campaign of audits across the medical services, allied health services and residential care services sectors.

There were 696 audits in total and businesses included GP’s, physiotherapy services, dental services and retirement villages which led to the Fair Work Ombudsman issuing 16 infringement notices, 12 formal cautions and one compliance notice to non-compliant businesses.

The campaign identified errors relating to pay rates, record keeping and pay slip requirements among non-compliant businesses.  In one matter, a total of $5770.94 was recovered for two casual employees of an optometrist business who were paid a flat rate of $20 per hour for all hours worked.  Under the Health Professionals and Support Services Award 2010 at the time, the workers were entitled to $24.86 per hour on weekdays and $34.81 on Saturdays. The Fair Work Ombudsman issued the business with a compliance notice.

With maximum penalties for serious contraventions of workplace laws recently increasing ten-fold and penalties for record-keeping breaches doubling, businesses that breach the law risk exposing themselves to big fines.

Workwise Members should contact our office if they have any concerns and employers in the health services industry in regional WA who may be unsure of Award conditions and employee entitlements may contact Workwise also – hourly rates apply or for further information, go to our website or contact us through our facebook page

Please note, this article is for general information only and does not constitute legal advice.